This document will evolve as we get questions and understand where we need to elaborate on functionality. Can’t find an answer to your question? Join our Discord to ask the team directly.

Table of contents

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To receive and place data in your Webflow site we use Webflow Custom Attributes. Navigate to our Clonable Project to use our ready-made components.

<aside> ✅ All attributes have the name “paymentflow”


Checkout launcher

Value Description Action
checkout_vipps_epayment Used on the button or div that launches the Vipps checkout Launch checkout
loader_vipps_epayment Used on the “Spinner” that indicates that the checkout is launching Displayed when the request is loading
checkout_error The “div” where we display error messages related to all checkouts Display error message

Order confirmation

Value Description Action
order_loading The “div” that is displayed when the site is requesting our database to check that the payment is authorized Displayed when the request is loading
order_id Used to display the order id Display order id
order_success The “div” that is displayed when the payment is authorized Display when loading
order_error The “div” that is displayed when the server responds with an error. If the payment is not authorized the user will be forwarded back to the checkout page. Display error message

Styling your components

You can do what you want with the component's styles and class. We use attributes to place data, so you can alter the design to fit your needs without worrying about breaking the functionality.